Rogue Valley Chorale 1992
Lynn Sjolund, Artistic Director

Season 1992-1993 marked the Rogue Valley Chorale’s 20th anniversary. To celebrate the 20th year milestone three songs were written by a self-appointed committee, but most of the credit goes to Leslie Hall and John Leavens. Mary Kay Harmon reported that the committee had more fun putting them together than actually singing them in celebration. To view the songs click here, and here,  and here.

To view the 1992-1993 season brochure click here. 

The Rogue Valley Chorale and Linda Borecki

The season started with a special concert on November 14 and 15, 1992, to present the newly installed Schoenstein Organ to the community donated by George and Agnes Flanagan. 

To view the concert program click here.

Hodie, Christus Natus Est

Hodie, Christus Natus Est was performed on December 11 and 13, 1992, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Medford.  The Bards Brass Quintet performed as guest artists for the concert.

To view the Hodie, Christus Natus Est concert poster click here.

To view the Hodie, Christus Natus Est concert program click here.

The Beauties of Brahms

On March 6 and 7, 1993, the Chorale performed The Beauties of Brahms at Westminster Presbyterian Church with Guest Pianist Suzanne Stewart. To view the concert program click here.




Rogue Valley Children’s and Discovery Chorus Spring Concert, May 2, 1993

Click here to view the concert program.

And Away We Go

Click on the image to enlarge.

The Chorale toured Eastern Europe from June 23 to July 7, 1993, visiting Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

Click here to see the flyer for And Away We Go: A Bon Voyage Concert, performed on June 5, 1993, prior to departing for Eastern Europe.

Click here to view the tour itinerary.

Click here to view the tour concert program.

To read a press release about the tour chick here.

Click here for a translation of a Hungarian newspaper article.

To read an article about the tour click here.

St. Giles Church, Prague, Czech Republic

Eastern European Tour, 1993 – Left to right: Charleen Fike, Barbara Johnson, Mary Jo Bergstrom, Joani Bristol, Jerry Lovre

The Chorale traveled to Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic for a singing tour. The picture below was taken in a tavern in Bad Goisern, and the evening ended with members of the Chorale dancing with a group from that locale.

Concert Program, Hungary

Alba, Italy Concert Flyer

Alba, Italy Concert Flyer

The Chorale sang a piece by Hungarian composer Laszlo Halmos, who attended the concert. Following the performance Ed Houck approached Halmos to ask for his autograph on the sheet music. Laszlo was honored to do so.

Concert Poster, Prague, Czech Republic – The Chorale spent the 4th of July at a local restaurant. Space had been reserved for the Chorale, but a number of locals were there as well. After the meal was over, the Chorale began singing American songs – mostly folk – and raised the roof. Locals joined in as they were able.



Britt Festival, August 13 and 15, 1993

The Chorale performed at The Britt Festival on August 13 and 15, 1993. Click here to see the concert program.