Season 1996-1997 includes one of the first concerts performed at the Craterian Theater, which would soon become its regular performing venue as an arts partner. The highlight of the season was a spectacular presentation of Bach’s masterpiece, The Passion According to St. John with orchestration.
To view the season brochure click here.
Hallelujah! It’s a Messiah Sing-Along – December 1, 1996
On December 1st the Chorale was invited to participate in a messiah sing-along at the Medford Congregational Church. The soloists were members of the Chorale, and Kathleen Davis served as the concert’s pianist.
Click here to see the sing-along program.
Christmas With the Chorale-Featuring Music by Women Composers
The concert honors the many women composers who have received far less than deserved due to the dominance of men in the field. The compositions performed in the concert demonstrate the fresh insights offered through rhythm, melody and harmony.
To view the concert program click here.
The Passion According to St. John
Two years in the making, the concert was the first in the newly renovated Craterian
Ginger Rogers Theater. Lynn tells the story that the podium on which he stood to conduct had been painted not long before he stepped on to it. When it was time to step off the paint stuck to his shoes!
To view the concert program click here.
To read a Mail Tribune article about the Craterian opening click here.
To read a Tempo article click here.
To read a review of the concert click here.
To see the announcement in the Craterian brochure click here.
What A Wonderful World – Rogue Valley Children’s Chorus and Discovery Chorus, May 4, 1997
The Discovery and Children’s choruses sang songs from across the globe.
To view the concert program click here.
With Love From the Chorale – May 10 and May 11, 1997
Performed at the Craterian Theater, the concert features some of the greatest love songs ever written by both Schubert and Brahms.
To view the concert program click here.
Organizational Handbook
The Chorale continued producing an Organizational Handbook, which changed over the years from an informational brochure about the organization to a guide for singers. Jeanie Saint Germain was instrumental in getting the handbook produced and into the hands of singers. Eventually the information contained in the handbook became available on the Member Page and was no longer needed in its hard copy format.