What a fun season this was! We thoroughly enjoyed our sold out gospel holiday performance. A local church rented us over 100 choir robes to use as our gospel outfits, and when we tried to return them they said they didn’t want them back! We are now the proud owners of a whole bunch of choir robes.
It was wonderful to work with singers Bishop Mayfield and Britney Simpson on the Glory Hallelujah to the Newborn King concert with instrumentalists Brent Olstad on keyboard and Reed Bently on percussion.
We collaborated with the Rogue Valley Chorale’s Youth Choruses to produce A Festival of Choirs. It was a great opportunity to engage in some adult to youth mentorship. Our community was treated to a buffet of beautiful choral music, including Mozart’s Misa Brevis with chamber orchestra.

Joseph Meyers, tenor
Our third concert of the season featured opera greats Joseph Meyers and Krista Wigle, along with several Chorale soloists.
Click on the links below to view some of the highlights of the 2016-2017 season.
Click here to view the season brochure.
Click here to see the Chorale’s seasonal concerts in the Craterian brochure.
Glory Hallelujah to the Newborn King
Click here to view the concert program.
Click here to view the concert poster.
Click here to watch the television commercial for Glory Halleluja to the Newborn King.
Rogue Valley Youth Choruses We Are One, December 3, 2016
Click here to view the concert program.
Click here to view the concert poster
Rest in Peace, John Leavens 4/19/1950-1/11/2017

Click on the image to enlarge
Over the decades the Rogue Valley Chorale Association has lost singers young and old. We keep the memories as precious reminders of concerts sung, travels near and far, and hours of precious rehearsals. John Leavens passed away on January 11, 2017 after a battle with cancer. He remained positive and upbeat throughout and was an inspiration to all of us. Click here to see his memorial program.
A Festival of Choirs
Click here to view the concert program.
The Golden Age of Operetta
Click here to view the concert program.
Click here to view the concert poster.

Rogue Valley Youth Choruses
The Rogue Valley Youth Choruses presented Broadway. THe concert featured classic Broadway show tunes from Sound of Music, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, The Music Man, and much more.
To view the concert program click here.
Rogue Valley Youth Choruses Brochure
The Rogue Valley Youth Choruses created a brochure to get the word out to the community about the program.