Rogue Valley Youth Choruses Season

Stay tuned for the announcement of our two Youth Chorus Concerts as we return from celebrating our 40th Anniversary Season this past May. Concert dates will be announced shortly and should fall in January and May.

If you would like to join our family as a singer please click here for more information.

Rogue Valley Chorale’s 50th Anniversary Season

Stay Tuned for our 50th Anniversary Season Announcement! We are thrilled to embark on the 2022/2023 season as we carry on what Lynn Sjolund and the Founding Mothers began 50 years ago! We are also excited for the announcement of our new Musical Director, Dr. Jerron Jorgensen who will begin the next five decades as we march ahead. Look for concerts this winter, spring, and early summer. We look forward to having you all join us for this exciting year as we celebrate fifty years for the Rogue Valley Chorale!

If you would like to join our family as a singer please click here for more information.

Rogue Valley Youth Choruses Auditions

Join one of the Rogue Valley Chorale Association’s Youth Choruses:

Children’s Chorus (Grades 3rd-5th)
Cantare (Grades (6th-8th)
Youth Ensemble (Grades 9th 12th)

We will be holding auditions beginning on Thursday, September 22nd.

As one of the RVCA’s four choruses, we hope that you take this next step in joining our family.

Please email for more information and for specific venue and audition times. Our Steering Committee (Youth Chorus) Chair will be in touch with additional audition information and will be able to answer any questions that you may have.

Rogue Valley Chorale Auditions

Join the Rogue Valley Chorale Association’s adult chorus, The Rogue Valley Chorale. We will be holding auditions beginning on Monday, August 15th.

As one of the RVCA’s four choruses, we hope that you take this next step in joining our family. We are also thrilled for our 50th Anniversary season to kick off with a concert this December with our brand-new Music Director, Dr. Jerron Jorgensen. 

Please email for more information and for specific venue and audition times. Our Music Director will be in touch with additional audition information.