Rogue Valley Chorale 1985-1986
Mass in B Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach, November 24 and 25, 1985
The Mass in B Minor represented one of the most significant achievements in the Chorale’s history. Bach’s masterpiece was completed in 1748, with individual parts composed and performed earlier. The complete B Minor Mass was first heard in Leipzig, Germany, in 1859. The Rogue Valley first heard it performed 126 years later.

Conductor Lynn Sjolund – To enlarge click on the image
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Spring Concert, April 25 and April 27, 1986

The concert featured the works of Randall Thompson, Johannes Brahms, George Frederich Handel, James Mulholland and others in this performance of beautiful singing. Doris Sjolund and Judy Cushing played the piano, and guest artist Jenny Lindner performed on the harp.