Cantare Chorus
About Cantare Chorus
Cantare Chorus is an auditioned group of talented singers in grades 6-8 from around the Rogue Valley. This mixed voice chorus, singing age-appropriate literature, performs throughout the year in local theaters, for community groups, and for regional choral festivals. Many of the singers began their choral experience in the Children’s Chorus and auditioned for Cantare with a desire to expand their musicianship and choral experience.
Cantare Chorus Rehearsals: Thursday, 7:00-8:30pm at St Mary’s school in Medford.
Gerrry Flock is the interim conductor for Cantare Chorus. He is an experienced Rogue Valley educator. After teaching music in local schools for 21 years, he began serving as an elementary school principal. He is currently the principal at Lone Pine Elementary School. Mr. Flock has served as the Director of the Rogue Valley Children’s Chorus since 2005. He sings with the Rogue Valley Chorale and serves as an elder in his church. His wife, September, is a teacher and Past President of the Rogue Valley Children’s Chorus, as well as past President of the Rogue Valley Youth Choruses Steering Committee. Gerry and September Flock have three sons, all of whom are involved with music.