It is with a great deal of thought and sensitivity that we have decided to postpone our Fundraising Celebration planned for May 12th. Though we thoroughly believe that both Doris and Lynn deserve a celebration in their honor for everything they have done for our community, our attention now turns to honoring the wishes of Lynn Sjolund and focusing on the celebration of his life and remembrance of all he has done. We hope that when the time is right, we will be able to go forward with what we had planned and honor both Doris and Lynn for everything they have done for the Rogue Valley Chorale Association and the Rogue Valley. We will be processing refunds for those who have already purchased tickets for the event. If you would prefer to make a tax-deductible donation of the ticket purchase, please let me know.
Though we are still digesting a world without Lynn and the loss of his compassion and sense of humor, we are all comforted by the fact that he made the world a better place.
You can make a donation to the memory of Lynn Sjolund here: